JP On Gaming

Monday, July 3, 2023

Curse of Strahd II Reaches Electrum

I am overjoyed to announced that Curse of Strahd II: Griffon Hill Manor has been certified an electrum best seller on the DM's Guild (it has been a few days but I just noticed it today).

If you don't know, I came up with the concept while running Curse of Strahd (and being confined). I remembered playing that adventure immediately following I6 Ravenloft and it stuck with me.

Having ActionMan at my table and a great group, I sat down to write this tale. Having the original opened all the time, I tried to make sense out of that adventure. Now, no disrespect on the original but it is just unplayable. I believe it was overly ambitious for its page count - a restriction I did not have. Using the source material, Curse of Strahd II: Griffon Hill Manor distills the essence of the original into something playable.

This is one to play with a soundtrack from classic Hammer films. Peter Cushing. Christopher Lee.

It currently holds a rating of 5/5 stars.

Well if you want to run something different or continue your Curse of Strahd campaign, Curse of Strahd II: Griffon Hill Manor is it.

It also part of the FOE Ravenloft bundle and the Complete Adventure bundle at a big discount.

So for making this adventure reach this massive milestone, a HUGE thank you everyone.

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