This week, I will be running a few early "alpha" version of SpaceFOE. This is an evolution to 5e I have been thinking about since the OGL debacle. Nothing overwhelming or crazy but it needs to be playtested and tried out to see if it breaks the game.
This week, I'll be running three sessions and reassess. One thing about that is that by having different players try out the iconics to uncover issues with the sheet, but different people approach characters and play differently, which will help me determine how well the system runs and uncover unexpected kinks.
The characters below are made very simple with easy archetypes and classes. No special FOE stuff. At this time, my focus is on the rules and how they run. Too fast, too slow, broken. And generally get some feedback.
SpaceFOE is an evolution of 5e, not a whole new game. I've taken into account things that annoyed me and things

Brother Lucius
Male Blue Praetorian Fighter
As a child, you only dreamed of become one of the Praetorians, one of the Emperor’s elite genetically-altered soldiers. You dreamed of glory and battles. When you were of age, you signed up and were chosen. After a long process, you were accepted as one of the Blue Cohort. You are currently on extended leave.

Brother Pius
Male White Praetorian Cleric
You remember little of your childhood except occasional glimpses of a pastoral landscape and your mother’s smile. You grew up in one of the orphanages and were recruited into the White Cohort because of your unshakable faith in the Benevolent light of the Emperor and the Imperial Cause. You are currently on a missionary tour to bring the faith to the far corners of the Empire.

Male Mutant Sorcerer
Your family comes from the lowest dregs of society. You decided to pull yourself out of this squalor and become someone important. You hold no illusion that it will be difficult for a mutant, but it can be done. You drunk the blood of the sacred dragon and now share its power. Only by amassing power and wealth can you reach your goals.

Drone Rogue
R1-K0 aka Rico spent the last few years among the wonder halls of the Tekno-Lodges across the galaxy researching all sorts of inventions. However, you have something of a reputation for taking items that are not yours “for later study.”

Tasha Skolenska
Female Human Bard
Born to a family of Navy officers, including many admirals and ship’s captains, you followed in their footsteps.However the strict regimen wore on you. You took an extended leave of absence to seek your fortune and make a name for yourself. You have a knack for commanding others and spur them on to greatness.

Male Human Wizard
Born on a planet where magic was common, you became an illusion with the intention to be rich. When the Empire conquered your planet, you defected without a second though. This whole universe of potential discoveries is filled with possibility to become wealthy beyond reason. You joined the Merchant Consortium to be with others sharing similar interest.

That rogue sounds right for my current gaming mindset! If we're allowed to call dibs.