JP On Gaming

Sunday, November 26, 2023

[After Action Report] FOE day at the TEC

NB I thought I had posted this but that it is published in November means I did not.

On Sunday October 8th, at the TEC center in Murfreesboro TN, FOE invaded the regular campaign day. On offer: two introductory adventures.

ActionMan ran "Ghosts of Kurogawa" (which appears in the Ozaka Campaign Setting). This is the same adventure we ran multiple times previously, it was designed to use not only

The only sad thing is that neither of us thought of taking any picture of his game - and I forgot to remind him to take any. So this adventure will live on only in the memory of the brave adventurers who faced the wilds of Ozaka.

I reached out to some of his players and they gave him some great feedback AND provided constructive criticism.

I'm so proud to see a new generation of GMs starting to see a new generation taking up our mantle. It is so crucial for a hobby to have a new crop of GMs to run games and grow. And what's the only way for them to become good? Why, they must GM of course!

ActionMan and JP at ICCC

Meanwhile, I ran a new adventure introduction adventure set in Olympia, built on a similar frame as "Ghosts" and simply named "Bandits of Mytenia". This showcase adventure is designed to be easily alterable, making it so what the PCs are doing or looking for can be changed easily. Not fully modular but not far from it.

This adventure also uses a map with 3e terrain as a focal point for the game.

Bandit Camp Creatures revealed!!!

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