JP On Gaming

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Yearly Retrospective 2024

Akhamet Cover Another year has ended and we are now in 2024. This one is late but better late than never!

Personal and Family Life

- I am still working with the immigration service to become a permanent resident of the US. 5 years and on-going. Yes, I have harsh positions about illegal immigration.

- My eldest daughter returned from a year in Canada, bringing with her her little dog, Whiskey.

- Daughter #2 is now a senior in high school

- ActionMan now has a job!

- Moved my domain away from Godaddy.

World Events

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- The Continuation of the Russia-Ukraine War. For God's sakes people, enough of this mindless dying. Ukraine is done. Let's find a way to end this madness. The great defenders are dying for what will become useless soil. Stop it.

- The Gaza War. Again, that one group does something wrong does not allow another to go ape-shit. Let's work at a lasting peace. But our leaders don't seem to give a crap about that either.

- The US Election has already brought together several changes before President Trump takes the oath of office. Interesting time ahead indeed.

- Nick Saban legendary College Football coach of Alabama retired. That was a big change at work. Fun times there!


2024 was a pretty tame year when it came to traveling. We spent most of our year at home. This year, we were lucky enough to have people come visit US at our new house in TN. It was great to see all those faces.

- My wife spent a few weeks in Canada during the spring.

- Our daughter Jojo returning from Canada, moving back into the house.

- My sister came to visit for Christmas with her dog.

- I don't count convention trips: Huntsville AB, Memphis TN, and Indianapolis IN.

RPGing/ GMing

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Most of this year, my ongoing campaigns continued.

- The Online Ozaka Campaign did a long winter court session before returning to their homes.

- During the Spring/Summer, I ran a Westmarch-ish campaign set in Ozaka locally. It was fun and the players got to decide on the many plot hooks they had and brought themselves.

- With school starting, we changed to a more epic maritime campaign set in Olympia.

- I've been playing with the Adult D&D group on and off.

So with all this, I wish you all a very happy new year.