JP On Gaming

Friday, February 28, 2025

[Kinda Book Review] Bound by Destiny by R MB Pearson

First off, let me say that I am a reader of romance stories. This story strikes all the beats you find in romance: hot girl, rich husband, destination wedding, money, a horrible event, friendships, tears, and laughs. Add complex, relatable characters, my favorites being Ron and his bros. Then add mystical forces and elements (the "bound by destiny" part...) that both serve as catalysts but that are not all-encompassing, leaving characters some measure of free will (some less than others). The magical elements flavor the story, giving it an added dimension, but it's NOT a fantasy/magical story.

But saying those elements define Bound by Destiny (BdD) would do it a disservice. I read this book several chapters at a time - getting to work late a few times.

What kept ME engaged is an artifice that RMB Pearson (RMBP) uses that made me go "MOOOOOOAARRRR!" from chapter 1: a tight and engaging story out of chronological order, told from different perspectives. It transformed what initially appeared to be a romance novel into a page-turner.

I give this book my complete total and endorsement. FIVE STARS! 5/5

This book is available from Amazon: Bound by Destiny.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

[Kinda Book Review] X-men Essential Vol 5

Still going through the first ~250 issues of the X-men and now with volume 5.

This collection moves after Secret Wars 1, the arrival of Rachel (Phoenix II), a lot of Hellfire Club, Storm losing her powers, the New Mutants becoming a frequent feature, New York as a sword-and-sorcery setting, Nimrod, X-Men and Alpha Flight with the begining of the Asgardian series, the Hellions, Magneto becoming a good guy...?

Now here we start with a series of really cool events, where the payoffs from vol 4 are falling into place.

This one is pretty entertaining and fun. The characters undergo several personal arcs: Rogue coming to terms with what she did to Carol Danvers, Storm losing her powers, Shadowcat becoming a solid team member, and Nightcrawler becoming the leader.

One subplot I really disliked was the dropping of the Shadowcat-Colossus romance following Secret Wars I.

Another plot I didn't feel went anywhere was the Rachel-Phoenix... It never seemed to have any resolution. She could kick a lot of butt but never integrated into the team.

Still, I loved this volume and read it with great delight. I'll settle on a 4/5.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

[Kinda Book Review] X-men Essential Vol 4

Still going through the first ~250 issues of the X-men and now with volume 4.

So here we have the Brood (a storyline I did not enjoy), the Morlocks are introduced, Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor's Wedding, Storm becomes the leader of the Morlocks, Kitty's almost-wedding, and the X-men vs Dracula.

While most of it is fine, this is not the best. A lot of the events here have payoff in the coming volumes, but on their own, it is as exciting as the previous (or followup) volume. The drawing is fine and the storytelling good.

The biggest piece is the brood (aka the aliens/xenomorphs) that story did not grip me.

I'll settle on a 3/5. It's fine, a bridge to greater storylines.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

[Kinda Book Review] The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman

I did not finish this one. I hated it.

My head spun from the most minute and insignificant of details, and the constant thief-jargon. It was not a fun experience to read.

I found myself constantly reading back to try and make sense of what I was reading. Needless to say, I did not like this book and when I put it down, I felt light and joyful.

I was looking forward to this one, after really enjoying Between Two Fires, I expected to like this one too.

Nope. 1/5. Not worth using as toilet paper.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

[Olympia Campaign] Artemis' Island and the Keltoi

After many events, our heroes made it to the island of Thalassos, an island permanently wrapped in fog and dedicated to the goddess Artemis. They traversed a thick forest as they followed the pull of their stones deeper inside the island.

But as they traversed the island, several strange things happened that showed the closeness with the Feywild.

When they reached their destination, a lake filled with dead people and beasts with keltoi warriors devouring the scum from the lake bottom.

A fight quickly broke out... And that's where we are... In a massive clash between the keltoi and the heroes. One creature turned into a hulking version.

Note: The bamboo bases are not completely done, hence the pale bases. I'm working on them now... after the game.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

[Olympia Campaign] Thalassia the Sea Witch... Again

Sailing away from Pyranthos, they expected some smooth sailing on the five-day trek...

When a sea serpent attacked them! A sea monster isn't as scary when several members run off with water walk... But SURPRISE! The real threat was not the serpent (even if it was dangerous), but the return of Thalassia the Sea Witch.

The party (well Alexi) showed off the pearl of tides they retrieved for her, but decided to keep for themselves. A tense battle that ended when the Sea Witch fled for the deep...

Monday, February 3, 2025

[Olympia Campaign] Village of Pyranthos

Our heroes recovered the Earthshard Amulet from the temple of Gaia in the Navel of the World (litterally). They were looking forward to sailing to the next island and recover the final item the Titan-cleric Nausicaa has yet to get - as far as they know.

Only for them to find three fire giants blocking their way. Diplomacy was... minimal and a fight broke out, with the PCs realizing there was an Amazon cleric in town. She summoned several skeletons, creating a three-way fight.

In the end, the amazon was defeated, diplomacy resumed and the giants left with the sacred bones they came to retrieve. Not as friends, but not as enemies either.

...And Eddy the mule was rescued from the village.