JP On Gaming

Friday, August 16, 2024

Gencon 2024 After Action Report Part 5

Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7

This post focuses on the results of the Akhamet adventures Akhamet Campaign Setting

Akhamet: Tomb of Apui Shafra

by Steve-E

- The PCs discovered the map and how it was keyed. Success all-around.

Akhamet: Lost Hall of Khuf-Thanat

by JP

- Prince Thut-Amun lost his soul to Ammut the Devourer and the strange ritual.
- The potential discoveries of the Khuf-Thanat will once again vanish beneath
- A dragon got REALLY annoyed by the PCs' actions.

Akhamet: Shadows in the Setting Sun

by JP

- A unique mailbox allowing different tables to communicate was destroyed, leading to a loss of fingers at another table...
- An unknown Princess was rescued from the strange prison in the Forbidden City of Kemunin.
- In a last-stand to give the others an opportunity to escape, a heroic last-stand for a hero of the first hour!

Action Shots!

Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7

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