JP On Gaming

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Gencon 2024 After Action Report Part 4

Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7

Notes from Gencon

- New FOE GMs I have had multiple years where I struck gold by meeting people who are just awesome. I put out "Looking for GMs" and meet people through that network who are all completely different and bring in a different take on the game. This year, Matt-A, Matt-R, Michael-B, and Samuel-Y all joined the FOE crew. You guys are all invited again next year!

- Returning FOE GMs Wow. What can I say about the skill and quality of GMs I have. And their willingness to return to GM for me. Of particular note, this year, Adam-G, Bill-C, Logan-Y, Marissa-W, and Steve-E all earned their black jackets! WELL deserved jackets too! I want you guys back, if possible next year.

- New Players Like every year, we have new people who come to play with us. Yes, new to FOE, but also new to RPGs in general. I am particularly conscious of this and take what I call the "Jim Shooter" approach. In short, this means that ANY adventure can be a person's first interaction with the product and that person must quickly be drawn into the story while not turning off the regular reader.

- No-shows Not a unique issue, but every slot, 4-6 people did not show. On the plus side, it allowed us to seat EVERYONE who came to us with generic tickets. And a few more.

- GM cancelations Yes, I had a few of them. However, everyone was forthcoming and honest so I was able to juggle slots, add more people where needed and everything went off smoothly. No surprise last-minute no-show.


- Eleven different adventures ran, across four different setting, from FOE's Akhamet, Olympia, and Ozaka, and including Player Hater Games' Skytorn.
- Five writers wrote adventures this year, which showed the versatility of the settings. That's JP and four brave GMs.
- Every event on the program ran and though we had to contract players during one event. Still everything happened.
- Total of 49 FOE tables ran (sorry Brandon, I'm counting your 2 Player Hater Games).
- This year, we continued our partnership with Player Hater Games. Whereas last year Brandon and Sicquan GM'd for FOE, this year Brandon ran a game in their Skytorn setting, with cloudships. Likely we'll repeat that experience next year.
- I created hundreds of small terrain pieces to complement the adventures. The trees and other pieces of scatter gave life to the adventures by adding a 3d element. Those looked really nice and created focal points for games.
- I provided baggies filled with miniatures for the GMs to help them run their game.

Characters Retired

The following characters were retired and will no longer be available for play.

- Bianka (Princess, Deceased in Olympia)
- Idelgo (Rhym, Executed in Ozaka)
- Juri-Sho (Rhym, Promoted to General in Olympia)
- Kritias of Spartia (Olympia, Deceased in Akhamet)
- The rest of the Rhym Iconics (Rhym, Lost in another dimension)

Their replacements will be posted on this blog later this year.

GM action shots

JP JP Marissa Matt-R Matt-R Matt-R Adam Adam Adam & JP Adam & Marissa Michael Michael Michael Brandon Brandon Matt-A Chris Chris Rebecca Jason Thor Steve Bill Samuel Samuel

Parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7

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