JP On Gaming

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Gencon 2024 After Action Report Part 3

Parts 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Saturday Aug 3rd

Half of Gencon had already passed. Now to sail that ship home...

By now, everyone knew was to do and did their thing. A well-oiled machine.

This year, FOE continued its work with Player Hater Games with Brandon-A running FOE games. However, new this year, Brandon ran games set in their setting of Skytorn, featuring flying skyships and a world in the clouds. Definitely something that sounded awesome. We talked and he asked me if he could run some. I said "yes".

Actually, I said "Yes" followed by a "I'll build you a skyship."

Which I did.

But I looked SOOOOOOOO bad... I had to admit defeat and not turn it in...

But Brandon's adventure was really entertaining with people pushing each other to their death off the ships. It was pretty brutal. A good complement to other FOE events.

Seth-S and JPDuring the morning slot, I got to speak briefly with a YouTuber I really enjoy, Seth Skorkowsky who does reviews and commentaries about many different games. I was pretty excited to talk to him. Okay I don't think he cared much for what I told him about FOE, but I thought it was cool.

Then again, I'm partial.

Sunday Aug 4th

There is something about the final slot of the con. Your body is tired and beat up, but the excitement is still there. We got enough people to run all five tables. This is really a testament to the quality of games my GMs put together.

The exploration of the forbidden city of Kemunin proved the reason it was forbidden with many a valiant last stand. Still an exciting end to the con.

Gencon was over.

Drive home. Eat. Sleep.

After Gencon (Feelgood story)

During the con (I believe it was Saturday night), a player (Graham) had a set of very beautiful drawing/paintings. He placed them on the ground and I nearly stepped on them, so I told him I placed them on one of the boxes at FOE HQ. He forgot them at the end of the event.

He forgot them at the end of the Sunday Morning slot.

One of my GMs brought it with him as we packed everything.

I hadn't even woken up from my first nap that I received an email about it. We exchanged emails and turns out Graham is from the Nashville area! Woohoo! (I was worried about having to put them in a tube).

Friday at lunch, we finally met, and he now has his art! That put a nice touch to Gencon. Thought I'd share it here.

Parts 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

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