I have been thinking about all the material that has been written so far for the Legacies campaign. Looking back on this, I am very excited about it.

Tyrants of Saggakar - Year 1 (785IC)
TOS-1-00 Out of the Mists by JP Chapleau You fall. No. More like flying, yes you are flying. All around you is a pink-colored cloud. Gently, as a feather you are standing on solid ground. Movement. Shapes in the Mists all around you, you are not alone. An adventure for APLs 3-9 (characters level 3 through 10) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-01 In the ArchDespot's Service by JP Chapleau The ArchDespot of Faremh has need of your services to deliver his latest edict. If it were as simple as delivering a letter, why would he need the assistance of a group of adventurers? There are two things that one cannot avoid in life, which of these certainties are you delivering? An adventure for APLs 3-5 (characters level 3 through 6) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-02 The Jet Virgin by JP Chapleau Dynastic ambitions are not only important to the stability of an empire; they also assure that it cannot fall into decadence. The ArchDespot needs to ensure his line, but so does the Despot of Hellsmere. Between them, a bargain was struck, one that could ensure the stability of the ArchDespotate. There is just a small affair of taking the prospective bride on a short pilgrimage. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-03 Wilderness of the Mind by JP Chapleau Spring has finally come to Spiderfen. With spring comes new beginnings, and a lady has need of one such beginning, or does she need resolution? This adventure uses much material from Ultimate Psionics by Dreamscarred Press, its use is recommended. An adventure for APLs 3-9 (characters level 3 through 10) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-04 House of Mirrors by James McTeague MURDER! MURDER MOST FOUL! People in glasses houses should not throw stones, but which of the suspects is the guilty one? An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-05 Path to Ambition by Randy Price Pearched in the Markhem Peaks, the city-states of Onero enjoys freedom from the ArchDespotate's harsh laws. However, a rash of recent crimes forces the Lady-Mayor to call on outside help. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-06 And Everything Nice by JP Chapleau Banditry is too common occurence in the ArchDespotate. The long gauntleted arm of the law is swift, brutal, and merciless. When rumors of sabotage and commercial interference between the great houses may lead to more violence, impartial justice must be dispensed. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-07 Doud where's my cart? by JP Chapleau It started with a bard's song and an evening of entertainment. Somehow you got involved in this mad plot that might destroy all of Saggakar. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-08 Sailing down the Kiflan by JP Chapleau Winter is coming. Before it arrives, a few final deliveries must be made to ensure the survival of isolated settlements in the Spiderfen Forest. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-09 One Final Night of Freedom by JP Chapleau The ArchDespot settled his affection on Lady Hellebora of House Tioten. The wedding will cement an alliance that will ensure peace for a long time. All the bride needs to do is survive one final night of freedom. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-1-0I02 Something borrowed, something blew by JP Chapleau After a courtship that lasted most of the year, the wedding of ArchDespot Gaztokell and Lady Hellebora of House Tioten is here. Love and dynastic marriage only begets jealousy and ambitions. An adventure for APLs 3-15 (characters level 3 through 16) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG

Tyrants of Saggakar - Year 2 (786IC)
TOS-2-01 Fate of Zealots by Randy Price An assassin loose in the city of Onero is nothing special. Someone is willing to share information in return for a share of the bounty. But in the city of sins, nothing is ever secret and offers come from all directions. An adventure set in the spring of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-2-02 Fogs of Days Past by JP Chapleau A new ArchDespot now sits on the throne of Faremh. Her rule is far from unanimous, however. She needs people to retrieve the ancient crown to prove her worth. An adventure set in the spring of 786IC An adventure for APLs - (characters level 3 through 1) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-2-03 A -Service and Reward - House Tioten by JP Chapleau The ArchDespot declared that she wanted to impose her will on those who spurned the divine yoke of the Faremh. Before she can send troops in foreign soil, she needs to pacify or at least get the cooperation of the Houses. This is an introductory adventure to the world of the Tyrants of Saggakar. An adventure set in the spring of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-5 (characters level 3 through 6) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-03 B - Service and Reward - Corfell by JP Chapleau The ArchDespot declared that she wanted to impose her will on those who spurned the divine yoke of the Faremh. Before she can send troops in foreign soil, she needs to pacify or at least get the cooperation of the Houses. This is an introductory adventure to the world of the Tyrants of Saggakar. An adventure set in the spring of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-5 (characters level 3 through 6) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-04 A - Service and Reward - House Faremhi by JP Chapleau The ArchDespot declared that she wanted to impose her will on those who spurned the divine yoke of the Faremh. Before she can send troops in foreign soil, she needs to pacify or at least get the cooperation of the Houses. This is an introductory adventure to the world of the Tyrants of Saggakar. An adventure set in the summer of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-04 B - Service and Reward - House Ougozar by JP Chapleau The ArchDespot declared that she wanted to impose her will on those who spurned the divine yoke of the Faremh. Before she can send troops in foreign soil, she needs to pacify or at least get the cooperation of the Houses. This is an introductory adventure to the world of the Tyrants of Saggakar. An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-05 The Sorrowful Lady by JP Chapleau Blue tree, a merchant-priest, a raccoon, a rebellious house, and a night queen: it is but a short walk but a long way to go under the foreboding canopy of the Spiderfen Forest. An adventure set in the early summer of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-9 (characters level 3 through 10) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-052 Fogs of Days Past by JP Chapleau A new ArchDespot now sits on the throne of Faremh. Her rule is far from unanimous, however. She needs people to retrieve the ancient crown to prove her worth. An adventure set in the spring of 786IC An adventure for APLs - (characters level 3 through 1) An adventure for D&D 5e Get it now on DriveThruRPG
TOS-2-0I01 Dreams of Dust by JP Chapleau Last year, adventurers recovered an icy slab from Yorix's island. The slab was locked away in the under bowels of the palace. But it did not lay dormant, but has been dreaming, dreams of dust beyond the Mists. An adventure set in the spring of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-7 (characters level 3 through 8) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-0I02 Battle of Dreadkeep by JP Chapleau (Conglomeration Special) Having established his headquarters in the ruins of Dreadkeep, Prince Larome of House Ougozar plans to force the barbarians of the Wastelands into a decisive battle. A one-time battle adventure. An adventure set in the summer of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-9 (characters level 3 through 10) An adventure for Pathfinder RPG
TOS-2-0I53 The Burning of Ransom by JP Chapleau (Lexicon Special) The small village of Ransom sits up in the Markhem Hills. Refugees flock to the village with claims of a great evil arising in the mountains. That was before flames fell from the sky. An adventure set in the summer of 786IC An adventure for APLs 3-5 (characters level 3 through 6) An adventure for D&D 5e
RHYM-1-01 Black Sails by JP Chapleau Hired to sail from the Cathar Dominion to the Tarani Empire, this seems like a perfect opportunity to hone your skills and make a few coins. But sailing around the southern edge of Rhym involves more than avoid sea serpents and treacherous whirlpools, with black sails on the horizons, all your survival skills will be tested. An adventure set in the summer of 876YotC An adventure for APLs 3-3 (characters level 3 through 4)