JP On Gaming

Friday, December 13, 2024

[Sundays Kinda-Campaign] Have you seen Corrie?

So this past week, I went back to Sunday at Cultivate Coworking, I ran a short adventure where Corrie was missing.

Coriander "Corrie" Gardner is another halfling from the Gardner clan. She and her siblings run a bakery in town. Corrie has gone into the forest to harvest a unique bark with a very unique flavor.

So enter adventurers...

In the end, a "poor" little bard stayed for five days and learned the mating rights of the evil dryad...

The Gardners did not find any potential bridges/grooms, but they paid for the return of their sister.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

[Kinda Book Report] Essential X-Men Vol 2

I finally found the final 2 Essential X-Men that I missed, allowing me to have all 10 "issues" (which covers ~1975-1992). I left comments about those in previous years, about #1. Since it's been a few years since I read them, I decided to treat myself to the whole series. From "Giant-Size X-men" to around X-Men 250.

There is something about this series that is just brilliant. When you read it all in a short period, you get to notice all the little side-plots and foreshadowing. Seriously, this is a masterclass in long-term plotting. Not only does the writing feel at the same time to be very fast-paced and slow-paced, with stories given time to rise to the front. From the Shiar Empire, to the Savage Lands, with team splits and returns, this is one never-ending series of comic writing an drawing (John Byrne is at the top of his game here and co-plots).

I cannot recommend it enough. I've been foregoing sleephours to read.

Cover of Classic X-men 43Now, the culmination of it all... The Dark Phoenix Saga... Dang... That shit is good.

That final issue, where the X-men fight the Imperial Guard on the moon to determine Phoenix's fate is gut-wrenching. The final exchange between Phoenix and Cyclops... It gets to me still.

She must die. But... she's such a great character. And the reasons for her to die and live... Sheer brilliance. Even after reading that issue several times... It gets me. Even knowning Jean would return later, it's still a punch to the gut.

I know several people hate Jim Shooter, but I love the man's work. How he cared for the characters and their integrity... Marvel even produced an alternative ending - that Claremont and Byrne wanted where Phoenix survived. To me, this felt more tragic. Yes, Phoenix had to die. I will have to write one day about how JS influenced how I write and create FOE adventures.

To follow-up this story... we go from Dark Phoenix to "Days of Futures Past" a distopian future I was first introduce to via the Marvel Super Heroes RPG... Sentinels everywhere, Sprite is Colossus' wife, Wolverine getting obliterated, the underhanded introduction of "Rachel"...

If you wonder the score... it's a solid 5/5. On all fronts. I can't wait to keep reading the continuation of the storylines...

Friday, November 29, 2024

[Olympia Campaign] Something Fowl...

Thanksgiving is upon us and this is a time to reflect, gather, and eat. It is a time of levity. So, in the spirit of the season, I came up with a funny little adventure, giving it a flavor of Olympia, but this was really a piece of Americana.

The PCs arrive on the island of Tadokos where the villagers call for heroes to save them from a monster. The villagers raised fowls and they had all been taken. The herbalist herself

They find tracks of a large monster leading into the forest covering most of the island. While there, they are attacked by a large pack of death dog. These creatures surrounded and swarmed the party until they were finally defeated.

For this encounter, I used gatherings of stone from an aquarium set. The result are pretty effective with minimal work. I will be making them into small terrain elements for Olympia and Akhamet.

The tracks led them to a shimmering tree with a cave underneath it. Entering the cave, they found a big nest with gigantic eggs of three different sizes. After playing with them, their mother got REALLY angry... And it got up and attacked.

Oh no! It was a chimeric turducken! A monster with three heads... one turkey, one duck, and one chicken!

This legendary monster attacked them, using such attacks like a burning hot gravy, ice-cold cranberry sauce, and a hail of corncobs. The creature hurt several of our heroes before it became a very large dinner!

The PCs received a number of festive items as a thank you from the villagers.

I'll leave you with a wonderful piece of JP art.

The Chimeric Turducken

Thursday, November 28, 2024

[Gencon 2025] Narrative - Ophara At Night

SaggakaraOphara At Night is the first of a few short pieces of fiction for Gencon 2025. I wrote two pieces last year, and will have more coming as the whole event comes together in my mind.

The first is set in Akhamet where Saggakara enjoys a rare moment alone in the Harem...

I posted the short fiction on Royal Road.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

FOE's stance on sensitivity reviews

I have been contacted by someone (on Reddit) regarding sensitivity reviews for various FOE products.

I feel it is important to make FOE's stance on the topic open an public.

FOE expects every GM to tailor their game experience to their group. Add what you like, trim what you don't. Have fun.
Oh! And tell us about it!

In short, (and this applies to everything in life) enjoy the fun things and focus on what you like. Our settings are designed to be played by everyone with an interest in ancient history and/or D&D. Our public adventure target everyone.

This is escapism people, let's beat up orcs, skeletons and undead, player characters with: puzzles, intrigue, insane plots, challenging combats, monsters, and tales of heroism. Leave the world behind and become someone who can do impossible things.

Monday, November 25, 2024

[Sundays Kinda-Campaign] Hope's Birthday Special

So Hope from Sunday at Cultivate Coworking was having her birthday, so I offered to run something special for her. The basic of the adventure had the clods... I mean who could not love the clods. Take over a local druidic sanctuary. Since the "campaign" is located on the edge of civilization, there are very few druids so the clods took the place and made it their own...

The PCs had to travel through defended locations to free "Grandfather" a giant mushroom. Did I say that Hope's character Portabella is a spore druid...


Sunday, November 24, 2024

[Sunday Funny] Why I don't illustrate my books

Why I do not illustrate FOE books:

Friday, November 22, 2024

[Olympia Campaign] Vulcanis Island

The second island the PCs had to explore where they believed a stone was located was the island of Vulcanis. Dominated by a volcano spewing a column of ash, and ash covered the entire island, including the forest.

The PCs encountered a pack of flaming wolves and managed to send them away.

Then they encountered a fire giant (portrayed here) who agreed to trade information for gold and gems. Through him, they learned of the temple on the volcano. Of its guardian. And of some of the challenges they were likely to encounter.

Since many of the challenge would involve fire, they decided to go find the wolves and take their pelts to protect themselves. These wolves proved to be quite problematic, forcing our heroes to invoke the Pearl of the Tides to retreat into the waters. Several of them nearly died. But they obtained the pelts to protect them.

Then, the story took us to the shrine by the volcano. Located in a narrow gorge and having 8 large pots filled with pitch. Leading to a platform overlooking a lake of magma.

They finally got the stone after several funny moments, including:
- Someone falling into the lava
- Sending down someone to read a language they couldn't read
- Someone running over 200ft. of lava

They obtained the Heart of the Volcano.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

[Olympia Campaign] The Temple of Poseidon

The PCs explored an unnamed island at the behest of Thalassia the Sea Witch. She asked them to steal an artifact in a temple of Poseidon for her. The PCs agreed and managed, through shinanigans to steal the pearl. But, having stolen it, they refused to turn it over to the witch.

No surprise, the witch was not happy but she contended herself with calling and singing, her voice carrying over long distances. But that won't lead to anything bad, will it?

Pictured: The PCs traverse a forest where they have to fight and battle guardians and the Temple of Poseidon and his guardians.

And the Temple of Poseidon with its priestly guardians.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

[Olympia Campaign] The First Volcano

Leaving Aeon, they explored another island with a complex by the side of a volcano (notice the quality art at the bottom of the image). They explored the ruined catacombs which local teens used as "make-out point".

Although it started off pretty simple, they faced a chimera with a nasty goat's head and a poisonous breath. Then, they found some Minosian pirates in the catacombs themselves. Decidedly, there were more people involved than they believed at first.

Oh and when they left the island, they found the friendly village where Boros the Priest of Poseidon made good friends with them, and his people slaughtered by Keltoi Raiders...

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

[Olympia Campaign] Start and Aeon Island

I started a new campaign set in Olympia with ActionMan, Sarah, and other (new) friends. In this campaign, a powerful priestess of the Titans (Nausicaa) has slain the Great Oracle at Delfos and the PCs set out to find her heir. Until then, no oracle can divine the will of the gods. A bad thing in Olympia...

This campaign will be a very nautical one, with the PCs visiting a series of islands to locate four stones that will show the way to the heir to Apollo's gift.

One thing when I began designing the campaign was to mix random sites and events with fixed locations. So I created a number of tables for random ships and islands. Let the PCs do what they do...

I found that by alternating "main" and "random" events, I am able to give them different items and earn gold and reward without them being tied only to the central quest. Though sometimes, they may get clues... It's up to them to engage or not.

From Athenion, they sailed to the Island of Aeon where time moved of its own accord, the vegetation growing and dying within minutes.

They entered the temple and met with Kronus (represented here by the massive construct).

Funniest thing was when Lethe, our cleric of Hades, touched Kronus... and found himself aged 40 years! He was already creepy... Now he an old creepy man...

And every laugh as they cringe...

However all was not happy-joyful as their enemy, Nausicaa escaped with the first of the four stones they need.

Monday, November 18, 2024

[Sundays Kinda-Campaign] Modron Madness

A few weeks ago, I came up with an idea where the PCs went and investigated a rogue modron's wrongdoing. The final battle featured the PCs fighting against quadrones... Creatures who look like... DICE!

Hard to show but the center was an arch opened to the plane of Mechanus but opened only from one side. They had to go into Mechanus to close the portal.

After a lot of teeth-gnashing, and the death of one of their own, they managed to close the portals.

Note: Modrons are the laziest miniatures to use... they look like dice!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

[After Action Report] Music City Multicon

This past weekend was Music City Multicon, in Lebanon, TN. I've never been to it so this would be a never event for me.

I was approached by my friend Rob from the Sunday Murfreesboro Games (Formerly at the TEC) who asked me if I would run something as he took over the tabletop RPG coordination. Yes! I answered and sent him a two game offerings... One for SpaceFOE and one for Olympia.

Not knowing the level of attendance, I offered two games I offered at other events. And my experience with Multi-cons in general is... mixed at best. So running something fun that did not require too much prep time.

Saturday, I ran SpaceFOE, had a group of players come and explore a derelict starship. A fun group where more than half the party had never played the table top. Some played Baldur's Gate. Six players entered the Void's Gaze to try and plunder its many treasures...

I returned on Sunday to run an Olympia adventure. Again five players. Fun times.

Some takeaways, which I shared with Rob include:
- Having fixed 4h slots. I was lucky my slot on Saturday happened because I would've been stuck waiting for hours since nothing else started.
- Having 2h slots starting split into two will allows for more traffic (this one came from Rob)
- More publicity (this one came from Rob)

In all, this was a pretty positive experience. The only thing: I did not get to actually see anything else of the con. That's really on me. It's a lot harder when ActionMan isn't around... Strange how I miss my con buddy.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

[Kinda Book Report] The Decameron Book/ TV show

It's not every day that you get to sit down and read a story set during the Black Plague of the 1340s. It's rarer to get to read a book written contemporaneously.

The Decameron is one such book, written by Boccaccio around 1350.

Now the story deals with a group of ten aristocrats (seven women, three men) who decide to retreat from the world while the worse of the plague ravages Florence. They head to an estate and spend their time in idle pursuits.

The main pursuit is that of telling each other stories about people and their actions. Tales of love, duplicity, joy, and lust.

Now I won't say these tales have a great complexity. Rather, they are presented in fairly simple language with a few metaphors to make sure you understand.

The easiest analogy would be to present would a Jerry Springer and Maury Pauvich episode from the 1300s. Cheating housewives, lecherous priests, horny nuns, homosexuality, gullible fools, everything is presented here. Boccaccio really gives us a portrait of humanity, with its warts and beauties all presented. Some of the stories are funny but most eligit a "meh".

The characters are simplified versions and I have not really found any of them to have any personality.

One fun fact, it was one of the first books banned by the Catholic Church for showing priest doing... parishioners... Yeah. I'll say that.

For the book, I'll give it a 3/5. I leaned towards a 2 but its forbidden draw AND it's historical significance increased my appreciation...

When I saw that Netflix was adapting the Decameron as I was in the middle of reading it, I added it to my list and waited.

Suffice to say that they are two completely different animals. Whereas the book presents people sitting down and talking, the series weaves everything into a narrative that happens to the character during their retreat. The names and character types are taken from the book but the similarities end there.

I wondered whether I liked it early on, but as the series continued, the characters grew on me, especially Tindaro and Liscica. Though I will say most are pretty reprehensible and discusting. Such characters make for good storytelling. Indeed Dioneo is the most boring of the characters in the series IMO.

Thinking about my appreciation, I leaned towards a 2/5 early on, but it finishes strong with well-built and merited emotional moments at the end, ending on a solid 4/5. So I will average it at a 3/5.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

[Kinda Book Report] Between two fires

I got this book in my Amazon recommendations Between Two Fires by Christopher Buelman. The blurbs is not quite descriptive as to the content. I went into it expecting a piece of historical fiction set in France during the 100 years war, and I got that

What I did not expect to find was a story filled with supernatural elements taken from medieval demonic literature. Monsters we are less familiar with but who are no less horrific. Therein lies their horror...

Add to everything a plot that could lead to the end of the world and you end up with this book. I devoured this book. The subject of it called to me, even if as the plot advanced it became less and less historical fiction.

If I have to rate it... I'd say a strong 4 or a weak 5, which I will settle on 4/5.. a great book overall and a surprise to me.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

[Commission] Warforge Alchemist

The second commission for Ron.

I believe this is the first time I painted a warforged... I just never use them in my games, so I never had any reason to paint one.

Again, he gave me pretty simple instructions. "Go with a blue scheme" was all he said.

At first, I thought about making him of blue-tinted metal... But quick tests did not make it look good. I wanted a subtle blue but it didn't work out. Came out too blue.

So instead, I chose to make the wrapping a deeper shape of blue and the body more dirty steel metallic. The result is that the brown leather really pops against the metal and the blue draws the eye.

For the base, I painted a broken lantern and a skull that were there, peeking out of the grass, leading to the question: what happened to their owner? Maybe I'm just too entertained, but I amused myself by the story they told.

One funny thing is that the model had a support line that connected directly into the warforged's mouth. I left it there and painted it as a cigar, and extra accent.

Monday, October 14, 2024

[Commission] Goblin Alchemist

I received this commission by my friend Ron at the Sunday D&D game.

His demand were simple: make it look good. He sent me a palette that was simple. I got the impression that his character was a type of back-alley alchemist or potion reseller. Whatever the case, buying something from him should make you wonder exactly what you got until you drink it.

And even then...

The most interesting aspect, as a painter was originally the many potions... they are so small but I wanted them to be different colors to showcase a variety of products...

Something that's hard to see are the plaids I painted on his pants. They really look good.

The cloak has two tone: A hood section mostly red and a dark brown bottom section. I like the mix of the two as it breaks the big blob of brown.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Gencon Perks: Minis for the GMs Olympia 4

Part of the GM perks for FOE is that you get some "products". I am never truly upfront with those because I never know ahead of time what I will be able to offer. This year, I managed to paint nearly everything that appeared in the adventure and offer baggies of miniatures to the GMs.

I printed and painted them myself.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Gencon Perks: Minis for the GMs Olympia 3

Part of the GM perks for FOE is that you get some "products". I am never truly upfront with those because I never know ahead of time what I will be able to offer. This year, I managed to paint nearly everything that appeared in the adventure and offer baggies of miniatures to the GMs.

I printed and painted them myself.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

[Ozaka Campaign] Big Finale!

Our winter campaign, set in Ozaka has come to an end as the PCs tackled a strange creature hunting the refugees from the Yaminoryu's depredations. With the situation in Aoshima only getting worse between the Tojo and the Wakou.

This game began with the greatest question a GM ever asked his table...

Do you carry any explosives on you?

Their investigation led them to a fog-covered cemetery where a light shun growing darkness. Then, the nian, a flaming monster mixing elements of a lion and a dragon. The nian represent the craziness associated with the annual celebrations of the Lunar New Moon... A celebration known for its fireworks displays.

Ozaka Campaign SettingWhat followed was an epic battle where the terrain itself fought for the nian... The lanterns (visible in the picture) exploded whenever the PCs came near them! Until finally, the creature was defeated.

This epic battle put out level 8 party against this new monster (which will be published in an upcoming Ozaka Monster book). Due to school-related timing issues (half our party are high schoolers), we closed this chapter of the campaign. As some players will no longer be available for a few months, I think it easier to end this chapter and start something new.

Whether we will come back to Aoshima, or even Ozaka, remains to be seen.

Stay tunes for more details!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Gencon Perks: Minis for the GMs Olympia 2

Part of the GM perks for FOE is that you get some "products". I am never truly upfront with those because I never know ahead of time what I will be able to offer. This year, I managed to paint nearly everything that appeared in the adventure and offer baggies of miniatures to the GMs.

I printed and painted them myself.