JP On Gaming

Saturday, July 1, 2017

I need YOUR help

Year Three is nearly upon us, seeing how Gencon is just around the corner, I wanted to ask a few questions of you all.

Having tabulated the results of the tables from Origins, I am left with a few decisions to make... Namely what will be the central event of 786IC in the ArchDespotate. I have a number of ideas but think input is important. Here are short versions of where the main story line will build up:
- Civil War House Faremi has still not accepted ArchDespot Hellebora and have been building their army for over a year now. In 786 they would make their claim public, with the strength of their armies.
- External War Last year, you visited two foreign nations: Brumis and the Assar Wastelands. In 786, the ArchDespotate would fight against one of these nations.
- Invasion Similar to the External war, but this time, the ArchDespotate is attacked by an external force: perhaps the Fleshburners in the south or the Assar barbarians.
- Ongoing old war This effectively maintains the situation as it is, as everyone tries to place their pawns in the inevitable struggle for the crown.

Do you have a preference? Any other ideas?

I will be running a poll on the Legacies Facebook group for the next two weeks. .

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