I happened on this lot of minis by pure accident, one of the many "cheap bids" I often do on Ebay.
It was a joy to paint them.
For the past three weeks on the Legacies Facebook group I have conducted a poll over what you guys wanted to see next. But in the end, you (yes I'm pointing at YOU) have chosen to go with a civil war! I cannot quite blame you as such a thing has been brewing in the ArchDespotate pretty much from the moment Hellebora ascended to the throne.
So I went ahead and created a new logo for this coming year.
And while I was at it, I updated the Faremh map some.
These rocks/ tents/ troglodyte homes were made originally for Lexicon. I used paper maché and pieces of a drink carrier from a fast food place.
I originally painted this guy with a Prince Larome from Tyrants of Saggakar as my original idea had him be a villain the PCs could fight. However, as I wrote on (and on), the scenario where he became an immediate adversary became less and less likely. It is still there, not completely gone.
So when Will needed a drow character, I immediately thought of this guy! I think he will be great on a gaming table.
I teased you all about Irene's latest work for a while now... but here it is!
You will recognize two of Rhym's iconic characters: Nightshade the Darkling Monk and Fahran the Tiefling cleric.
In other great news, JD was invited as a guest to the Imaginareum convention in Louisville, KY! I will be there running some Rhym material, including some new adventures. If you are in the Louisville area, stop by and say hello to us!.
You can get the Rhym Campaign Setting through Amazon.Com (softcover) or the PDF at DriveThruRPG or RPGNow
Today is the last day to pre-register for Gencon. I still have Pathfinder tickets left for Friday morning and afternoon.
Everything else is SOLD OUT! All the 5e Saggakar, All the Rhym, and one slot of Pathfinder-Saggakar.
A huge thank you to everyone who made FOE one of your stops during Gencon. We appreciate it very much.
If you want to sign up, here are the Saggakar slots available Click here to go to Gencon.com
Year Three is nearly upon us, seeing how Gencon is just around the corner, I wanted to ask a few questions of you all.
Having tabulated the results of the tables from Origins, I am left with a few decisions to make... Namely what will be the central event of 786IC in the ArchDespotate. I have a number of ideas but think input is important. Here are short versions of where the main story line will build up:
- Civil War House Faremi has still not accepted ArchDespot Hellebora and have been building their army for over a year now. In 786 they would make their claim public, with the strength of their armies.
- External War Last year, you visited two foreign nations: Brumis and the Assar Wastelands. In 786, the ArchDespotate would fight against one of these nations.
- Invasion Similar to the External war, but this time, the ArchDespotate is attacked by an external force: perhaps the Fleshburners in the south or the Assar barbarians.
- Ongoing old war This effectively maintains the situation as it is, as everyone tries to place their pawns in the inevitable struggle for the crown.
Do you have a preference? Any other ideas?
I will be running a poll on the Legacies Facebook group for the next two weeks. .