Yesterday, I attended my first Nashcon after almost attending last year. It was the first convention in years I attended that was exclusively a miniatures event (for me). I was extremely anxious and curious for although I've been to many cons, I believe the last one where I attended only did miniatures event was...
Well I think it may have been the Warmachine tournament where I got my rear end kicked back at Gamers' Haven in Colorado. So. Long. Ago.
So after thinking about this day for a long time, with both myself and ActionMan looking forward to this day. For him, it would be the first minis-olny conventions and I wondered how he would do. At six years old, I worried he might think it would be too long.
The first slot was my own "Conquistadors in Africa". After a little last-minute table-swapping, we finally got our own assigned table. ActionMan's invaluable help allowed me to set up quickly. The terrain consisted of a variety of trees, grasses and a village.
A true combination of old and new pieces: all the grass elements, the pond, the store-bought trees and the sprue-plants date from my days in Ireland. The pilons and the fencing were built in Colorado. The tall clump foliage trees were made in Kentucky. The lean-tos and the large palm trees, I made here in Tennessee. Over fifteen plus years on that table at once... The mat itself, I bought in Ireland and it traveled with me all these years.
Talk about a trip down memory lane!
I'll get back to that game itself in a follow-up post.
I made a single cheat-sheet for all to learn the rules. I simplified "The Sword and the Flame" some - something that's a massive feat. I love TS&TF as a set of rules that are quick, simple and fun. I had one sheet for each player.

ActionMan and I played only one game at the con, for it we played "Corner Kick", which is a soccer/football simulation game. I was dubious of how this would work but he and I took the 2014/15 Manchester United squad and took on the 2015/16 Arsenal squad.
Wow. The game was really super exciting, feeling very much like a soccer match. We received 2 penalty shots (one of which was blocked) and arsenal threatened constantly (damn you Ozil!). ActionMan played David De Gea, our goal keeper who stopped no less than 3 volleys by Olivier Giroud! We managed to win 2-1 with a Robin van Persie goal at the 87th minute (yes, there is a way to represent time). ActionMan rolling the much-needed strike!
The game is indeed a little long (it is soccer), but it is a great simulation...
Shown below was the Wayne Rooney penalty that put us on top 1-0. RvP would miss our second penalty.

More tomorrow...