It has been way too long since I've sat down and posted something. I won't be the first - or last - blogger to post how much they miss it when. I seemed to have an endless string of things to write about. But no time to actually WRITE it. I write this entry because I have so much to share and I just *HAVE* to.
Trip to Montreal
For those of you who did not know, I spent two weeks in April in my hometown of Montreal. Gripped in the throes of pre-play-off hockey. Yes, my team, the Montreal Canadiens are in the playoffs again! There will be intense hockey-watching at my house for the next few week.
It was fun, much colder than Colorado (and I say this as there might be snow tomorrow with near freezing temperatures). While I plan on writing a more elaborate gamer's view of the trip, I will let you know this: I got to play great games and renew with old friend I haven't seen for years.
Thanks to Alain, Alex FG, Eric-A, ET, Isabelle, Steve, & Yves especially. It was great fun! Next time in 3 years???
New Writing Project: Kronea

A few weeks ago now, I was contacted by Venus/ Lady Ophelia from California about doing a little freelance work for her upcoming Pathfinder setting: Kronea. When asked what I'd prefer to write, deities and religion came on the topic. Then as I was sitting down at my parents' home in Phoenix, my inbox lit up with actual requirements...
This project is a huge collaborative effort between many people whom I have met in the past. (I'm not sure if I can reveal their names so I'll keep quiet). I can say however, that many of the names on the list are very impressive and I'm very pleased to add my name to that list.
One of the deities I was asked to write was Benae who is, for short "a sort of Sarenrae". I was given more guidelines, but that was a good guideline. So after annoying Venus with a bunch of question-filled emails, I finally sat down and produced my first draft, then edit, then second draft, then edit again. Finally, I was happy with it and I sent it to her. I think I was able to give a different twist to Benae and make her unique .
I am currently waiting on feedback for another part of the project I submitted. That one I liked, but in a different way. I will let you guess what it is about...
NeoExodus Legacies
It was exciting to work on something other than NeoExodus. Don't get me wrong, I love writing for NeoExodus and think it is still one of the best setting out there, but writing something different allowed me to recharge the writing batteries.
I plan on finishing the next Legacies adventure for GatorCon this weekend... It is temporarily named "In sickness and in health", but I may change it. I will say this: this adventure is set in the Confederacy and present some... unique challenges because of that. I really love the Confederacy...
Playing Opportunities
The month of May will be filled with awesome events. On the 4th, I will be attending GatorCon as a charity event for Multiple Sclerosis of Colorado/Wyoming. It's a great cause.
The 11th, I was scheduled to be one of the GMs for my local VL's Year of the Shadow Lodge event, but had to drop to attend my eldest daughter's dance recital. (I'm only sad to have to flake out on Everett).
The 18th is going to be May Thanksgaming up at Total Escape Games (unfortunately, it is also the same day as a later-scheduled event at Gamers' Haven). I will be giving painted minis for the event. I'll post them here...
Then on from the 31st to June 2nd, it will be Denver Comic Con!!!
Yes... that was a roundabout way of telling of the many opportunities to play NeoExodus! There will be NeoExodus Events at *All* of the above events.
Other Projects
Throughout all this, I manage to involve myself in other projects as well. Those I would consider "fun side-opportunities" rather than serious long-term commitments... Though you never know. Nothing much to report just yet.
PFS Retirement Arc
Yesterday, after retiring my character in January of 2011, I completed the retirement arc. I will not spoil the plot, but I really liked it. The adventures finally had some fights that were fun and challenging. I found myself thinking what I would have to do. I played Katharan al-Zawree (yes, the founder of al-Zawree oil).
The final act... did leave me somewhat... unfulfilled. I just expected something MORE (one of my common complaints with Josh Frost-era stuff). Meh... I liked the plot and the arc, so I'll take 75% of what I like/wanted as a win. Kudos to the writing team.
That's it for today folks!