JP On Gaming

Friday, March 16, 2012

Skarre: Ships in the Night Thoughts and Armies

Ever since I read about this army from No Quarter #37, I've been intrigued by it. From the days I was a boy, I was always fascinated by pirates and their age... Now I can play them in a miniature game I like! Looking at this list, I think this is one of the only lists in the game where you can field more models than points... at 35 points, I field 46 models and at 50 points, an impressive 67!!! Granted the army has limited anti-heavy capabilities, but it should slow down pretty much every body... It's a hordes-style army. I would be very intrigued about how it performs on the battle field.

Skarre, Ships in the Night

Warjacks: All non Character
Units: Black Ogrun, revenant units
Solos: Skarlock Thrall, warwitch siren,undead solos with jack marshal.

Tier 1: models listed above
benefit: Non character seadog units, freebooter warjacks, and mariner warjacks these are now friendly cryx models.

Tier 2: requires 1+ revenant unit
benefit: revenent's gain advance move

Tier 3: requires 3+ bonejacks with pathfinder / flight
benefit: bonejacks wit pathfinder/flight gain Advanced Deployment

Tier 4: requires 3+ seadog units
benefit reduce cost of Sea dog units by 1

Thinking ahead to tomorrow's tournament I decided to build a 35pts army to see what I'd need to get this army on the road. But I know Skarre won't take part in tomorrow's tournament: I don't even have her... yet.

Looking at my 35 point army, I would need to add Skarre, the scavengers and the revenant crew.. Lucky for me, I have some plastic Cryx bonejacks I could convert... So that's a few models I wouldn't have to buy.

Skarre, Ships in the Night (35pts)

Models: 46
Pirate Queen Skarre
Press Gangers (Leader + 9 Grunts)
Revenant Crew (Leader + 5 Grunts)
Sea Dog Crew (Leader + 9 Grunts)
2 Sea Dog Crew Riflemen
Sea Dog Crew (Leader + 9 Grunts)
Sea Dog Deck Gun
Sea Dog Deck Gun

For the 50 points army, I add a full unit of Blackbane's Ghost Raiders, a full unit of press gangers and one extra rifleman. This makes the army into a huge mob! That's what a pirate army is... Very interesting. With the addition of my cannibals (See my previous post), all I need are the undead warriors...

Skarre, Ships in the Night (50pts)

Models: 67
Pirate Queen Skarre
Blackbane's Ghost Raiders (Leader + 9 Grunts) Press Gangers (Leader + 9 Grunts)
Press Gangers (Leader + 9 Grunts)
Revenant Crew (Leader + 5 Grunts)
Sea Dog Crew (Leader + 9 Grunts)
3 Sea Dog Crew Riflemen
Sea Dog Crew (Leader + 9 Grunts)
Sea Dog Deck Gun
Sea Dog Deck Gun


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