With two players out tonight, I ran a one-off set in the campaign's main city while the party is away tackling another challenge.
Everything was peaceful before the Wakou opened on the town of Aoshima with their cannons. In no time, the docks were ablaze and the brave adventurers had to rise up to stop the onslaught. Galleon-born cannons quickly set buildings aflame as their barrage did not cease. The town's defenders held succeeded in slowing down the raiders.
As our brave heroes withdrew into the town, they rescued many people who took refuge in a warehouse only for the Wakou to chain the doors and set the place ablaze!
Finally, our heroes reached the House of the Sun, the Temple of Amaterasu in town where the Wakou were burning the Torii Arches and one of their witches performed a ritual against the building. Whatever she did, she succeeded partially when an uncontrolled yokai emerged from the portal and rampaged through town until stopped by our heroes.
They were relieved by the arrival of Tojo Hiroshi and his samurai. Their bravery was noted.